jueves, 1 de junio de 2023


¡Hello again!

In this poster, I'm going to explain how does de app IGN works, in spanish "Mapas de España" This app is for making and using tracks. You can be an user that create tracks, explore traks or bouth of them!!! 

First of all you have to download the app from Play store or Apple store, it depends on your mobile,  Ios or Android. When you have already downloaded, you must allow the app all permmisions, GPS, acces to the storage...

When you are in the app, you can explore traks or create one. For creating one you have to activate live ubication and go to the secction "Make a track". Then while you are walking, it start's to make a line drawing the trake. It has many tools to add information to the trak, such us roads, signals etc... In this case we have waypoints, signals that you add to your track, in emblematic places, then you can add photos.

Then I upload here a photo about my track:

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