viernes, 17 de marzo de 2023

Informatic atacks

Informatic Atacks:

Usually they are caused by virus, there are so many times. 

  • Trojans: When you download files from internet, some of them aren't that it looks like. As in the ancient wooden horse full of attackers, by this reason it is called Trojan. This malware pretends to be harm your software, or takes your personal information.

  • Spyware: This kind of malware is designed to spy on users, save their passwords, credit card details, other personal data and online behavior patterns, and send them off to whoever programmed it.

  • Worms: this malware type targets entire networks of devices, hopping from PC to PC. Then your computer it's owner by the programmer and it can expand the red of infected PCs and then he use to make a DDos attack to a website.

  • Ransomware:This type of virus appropriate your information and locks it, then the virus ask you money to recover your information.

  • Adware: This is an annoying virus because it shows on your screen so many ads.
  • Keyloggers: this malware records all keys that you press on your keyboard, then the virus can read it an if you fill money passwords, phones, or something different.


    Mirai is the name of one of the most important DDoS attacks ever. It consist of a red of thousands and thousands of computers waiting for the hackers orders. In this case this zombie-red consists of some millions of infected PC. 

    Thanks to a malware that were installed in your computer, it allows the hackers that every device that is connected to your WiFi it's infected. Then the hackers ordered your router to all devices visiting web sites in a massive form.

    The hackers waited few months and when they were prepared, they ordered all his red to visit websites such us Netflix, Spotify and Airbnb. By this reason this websites stop working.

    Consecuencias de un ataque DDoS

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